Hickory Timbers – Milled Flooring

Attacked by hickory wilt (beetle / fungus) the opportunity to harvest some hickory trees was available. These massive
trees are prevalent throughout the Ohio region. Hickory timbers produce some great flooring with a straight grain appearance. Being one of the hardest domestic woods makes it very durable and resistant to dents / scratches.

The trees were milled in the spring into 4/4 blanks, stickered, and left to air dry for 12 months. Once the air-drying
process was complete, we selected flooring grade material and put it in the kiln for the final drying process. This stabilizes the material down to 8 to 10 percent moisture.

 The last stage is to mill the flooring with tongue & groove profile. Top surface was finished in two different textures, planed smooth and medium wire brush.  E.K. West Ventures offers a variety of flooring options in both reclaimed and natural hardwoods. Please reach out with any flooring questions. Samples are available upon request.